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Your basement renovated and protected against damp

Your basement may have leaks and damp walls, causing it to lose its usefulness. This is a problem that can be very stressful. KOD Construction can help you in this endeavor, transforming your basement renovated with fast and appropriate services for each situation, bringing a great internal or external finish.

Our services consist of:

Window Installation and Repair: Light and ventilation are essential to prevent damp from accumulating in your basement, increasing the potential usefulness of the space. At KOD Construction, we offer installation services for new windows, providing more natural light and air circulation. We also carry out repairs to existing windows, revitalizing damaged materials or areas, ensuring a dry and healthy environment.

Masonry Repair: Are your basement walls cracked or damaged? We carry out masonry repairs and waterproofing to restore the structural integrity and look of your basement.

Basement Water Sealing: We use waterproofing techniques to keep your walls dry and your basement free of mold and possible water damage to the structure of floors and walls.

KOD Construction is highly experienced in the basement remodeling market. We use materials from certified brands, guaranteeing long-lasting results.

You can turn your unused basement into a leisure area, an office, or even an area for your children or visitors. Try increasing the potential of your basement with KOD Construction Management.

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Having a company near you to carry out repairs in your home can be essential.


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